languagelayeR 1.1.0 is now on CRAN

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I took a studious resolution for this summer: update, clean and create better docs for my old packages which are on the CRAN. languagelayeR is the first to go!


This package offers a language detection tool by connecting to the languagelayer API, a JSON interface designed to extract language information from a character string.

How languagelayeR works

The version 1.1.0 works with two functions. Which are :

get_lang Get language information from a character string

get_supported_lang Get all current available languages on the languagelayer API.

What’s new with version 1.1.0 ?

  • setApiKey is now deprecated
  • getSupportedLanguage is now get_supported_lang
  • getLanguage is now get_lang
  • New vignette: browseVignettes("languagelayeR")

Some examples

Here are some example of how to use languagelayeR. Let’s start with random Gutenberg project books, and try with french, german and spanish books.

api_key <- "XXX"

# There are 55080 books on the gutenberg project at the time

## Test one 

sample(1:55080, 1) %>%
  gutenberg_download() %>%
  select(text) %>%
  sample_n(1) %>%
  get_lang(api_key) %>%

## note: I turned into a list for the sake of readability

[1] "in this way: On the preceding evening, after the firing had ceased,"

[1] "en"

[1] "English"

[1] 58.82599

[1] 100

[1] TRUE

# Test 2 

[1] "Notwithstanding these efforts, it is a fact that scarcely any of the"

[1] "en"

[1] "English"

[1] 53.71964

[1] 100

[1] TRUE

# Test 3 

[1] "which she used to employ at Keeton, when she had occasion to"

[1] "en"

[1] "English"

[1] 43.51029

[1] 100

[1] TRUE

# With other languages books 

## Proust (French)

gutenberg_download("2650") %>%
  select(text) %>%
  sample_n(1) %>%
  get_lang(api_key) %>%

[1] "noirceur de ses intentions."

[1] "fr"

[1] "French"

[1] 22.70587

[1] 100

[1] TRUE

## Vernes (French)

gutenberg_download("54873") %>%
  select(text) %>%
  sample_n(1) %>%
  get_lang(api_key) %>%

[1] "Depuis ce jour, qui pourra dire jusqu'où nous entraîna le _Nautilus_"

[1] "fr"

[1] "French"

[1] 33.59961

[1] 100


## Kant (Deutch)

gutenberg_download("38295") %>%
  select(text) %>%
  sample_n(1) %>%
  get_lang(api_key) %>%

[1] "jetzt aus elender Ziererei der Buchdrucker (denn Buchstaben haben doch"

[1] "de"

[1] "German"

[1] 45.72145

[1] 100

[1] TRUE

## Stevenson (but in Spanish)

gutenberg_download("45438") %>%
  select(text) %>%
  sample_n(1) %>%
  get_lang(api_key) %>%

[1] "tiempo el beneficio de sus opiniones."

[1] "es"

[1] "Spanish"

[1] 23.14516

[1] 100

[1] TRUE

I’ll be glad to have some feedback about this package. Feel free to reach me out on Twitter! You can also send some PR or open issue on the GitHub repo.

What do you think?