Back from Budapest

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Back from Budapest!

This week, I had the chance to travel to Budapest to talk about R (obviously), dataviz, networks and text mining at the BudapestBI conference, and during the Budapest Users of R Network meetup.

If you weren’t there, or if you were but want to check my slides again, you can get them below.


Visualising text data with ggplot2

Budapest R Meetup

The slides:

More info about the meetup:

2017-11-16 :

A Gentle Introduction to Network Visualisation

BudapestBI 2017

The slides:

More about that:

Cheers Budapest

Special thanks to the team of BudapestBI for inviting me, and to the local meetup team for inviting me to me talk there.

Thanks also to everybody there, we had such a good time. Hope to see you guys again soon.

What do you think?