On the 29th of July 2018, Emma Best published on her website the copy of 11k+ wikileaks Twitter DM : https://emma.best/2018/07/29/11000-messages-from-private-wikileaks-chat-released/
Here is a data extraction and wrangling of this corpus, to make it easily searchable, extractable and sharable.
How to use this page
- Every “link.csv” is a downloadable csv.
- You can search and order every table. Results of the search are downloadable as csv or can be copied in the clipboard.
- You can zoom in the time series by selecting the date range. You can also use the selector beside to choose this range. Double click to reset the settings.
- Under each dynamic plot, you can find a static plot by clicking on “Static plost”.
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Data format
- Every csv is encoded in UTF8
- You can find these csv in JSON format on the GitHub repo
Browse through the content
- Home has the full dataset, to search and download.
- Timeline has a series of time-related content: notably DMs by years, and daily count of DMs.
- Users holds the dataset for each users.
- mentions_urls holds the extracted mentions and urls
- methodo contains the methodology used for the data wrangling
Note: As documented in the methodo, the DMConversationEntry have no date in the dataset, hence the date is inferred from the directly preceeding date, so these entries might not be correct when it comes to date.
Monthly participation by user
Static plot