#RStats — languagelayeR : query the languagelayer API with R

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Improve your text analysis with this R package designed to access the languagelayer API.

LanguagelayeR is now on CRAN


This package is designed to detect a language from a character string in R by acessing the languagelayer API — https://languagelayer.com/

Language layer API

This package offers a language detection tool by connecting to the languagelayer API, a JSON interface designed to extract language information from a character string.

Install languagelayerR

Install this package directly in R : devtools::install_github"ColinFay/languagelayerR")

How languagelayeR works

The version 1.0.0 works with three functions. Which are :


Get language information from a character string


Get all current accessible languages on the languagelayer API


Set your API key to access the languagelayer API

First of all

Before any request on the languagelayer, you need to set your API key for your current session. Use the function setApiKey(apikey = "yourapikey").

You can get your api key on your languagelayer dashboard.



Detect a language from a character string.

getLanguage("I really really love R and that's a good thing, right?")

List all the languages available on the languagelayer API.



Questions and feedbacks welcome !  

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