New R Package — proustr

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An R Package for Marcel Proust’s A La Recherche Du Temps Perdu

This package gives you access to all the books from Marcel Proust “À la recherche du temps perdu” collection. This collection is divided in books, which are divided in volumes. Inspired by the package janeaustenr by Julia Silge.

All books have been downloaded from BEQ

Here is a list of all the books contained in this pacakage :

  • Du côté de chez Swann (1913): 2 volumes ducotedechezswann1 & ducotedechezswann2.
  • À l’ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs (1919): 3 volumes alombredesjeunesfillesenfleurs1, alombredesjeunesfillesenfleurs2, and alombredesjeunesfillesenfleurs3.
  • Le Côté de Guermantes (1920-1921): 3 volumes lecotedeguermantes1, lecotedeguermantes2 and lecotedeguermantes3
  • Sodome et Gomorrhe I et II (1921-1922) : 2 volumes sodomeetgomorrhe1 and sodomeetgomorrhe2.
  • La Prisonnière (1923) : 2 volumes laprisonniere1 and laprisonniere2.
  • Albertine disparue (1925, also know as : La Fugitive) : albertinedisparue. Le Temps retrouvé (1927) : 2 volumes letempretrouve1 and letempretrouve2.

Install proustr

Install this package directly in R :

From CRAN :


From Github :



proust_books() %>% 
  mutate(text = stringr::str_replace_all(.$text, "’", " ")) %>% 
  unnest_tokens(word, text) %>%
  filter(!word %in% stopwords_iso$fr) %>%
  count(word, sort = TRUE)%>%
# A tibble: 10 x 2
         word     n
        <chr> <int>
 1        mme  3106
 2      faire  2869
 3  albertine  2389
 4      grand  1833
 5 guermantes  1807
 6        vie  1732
 7      temps  1715
 8      swann  1682
 9     jamais  1639
10       voir  1568


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