[How to] Build an API wrapper package in 10 minutes.
Well… documentation not included (of course).
API are cool. They allow to retrieve data from the web, and if ever you’re familiar with {httr}, {jsonlite} and packages like these, you’re able to build requests and retrieve data in a matter of minutes.
But no worry, if you’re not familiar with http requests and web formats like html, JSON and such, you can still go and look for a package wrapper around that specific API: someone had probably been coding it already.
And, if you want to be that someone that code an API wrapper package, here’s a short tutorial that will allow you to create it.
Disclaimer: the 10 minutes workflow does not (of course) include the package documentation.
Find the API
Well, this first step can take a while… but, let’s say we have already found it, and want to build an package around the french database for addresses: https://adresse.data.gouv.fr/api/.
Step 0: be sure you have all the packages you’ll need
Run this if you want to be sure you have all the packages we’ll use here:
Step 1: the project
Create a new project with RStudio, and click on “Create a package with devtools”.
Step 2: devstuffs
In your terminal, run
. -
Open a new R Script, save it into
as “devstuffs”, or any other name. Copy and paste into this script:
# Remove default DESC
# Create and clean desc
my_desc <- description$new("!new")
# Set your package name
my_desc$set("Package", "yourpackage")
#Set your name
my_desc$set("Authors@R", "person('Colin', 'Fay', email = 'contact@colinfay.me', role = c('cre', 'aut'))")
# Remove some author fields
# Set the version
# The title of your package
my_desc$set(Title = "My Supper API Wrapper")
# The description of your package
my_desc$set(Description = "A long description of this super package I'm working on.")
# The urls
my_desc$set("URL", "http://this")
my_desc$set("BugReports", "http://that")
# Save everyting
my_desc$write(file = "DESCRIPTION")
# If you want to use the MIT licence, code of conduct, and lifecycle badge
use_mit_license(name = "Colin FAY")
# Get the dependencies
# Clean your description
Then, run everything from this script.
Copy and paste at the top of you README.Rmd :
And at the bottom :
Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).
By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
Step 3: get the API url
There are two ways you can request on an API :
By building url:
With parameters:
This is the case for https://adresse.data.gouv.fr/api/. We’ve got the
base url: http 'https://api-adresse.data.gouv.fr/search/?q=8 bd du
, and search parameters.
Here, the base url is everything before the ?
, and the parameters are
the key-value pairs after the
Step 4: utils
Before creating the main calling functions, we’ll create some utilitary functions that will run some tests: is the internet connexion running? Does the {httr} result return the right http code?
For this, we’ll create a file called utils.R
, save it in the R/
folder, and put into it:
#' @importFrom attempt stop_if_not
#' @importFrom curl has_internet
check_internet <- function(){
stop_if_not(.x = has_internet(), msg = "Please check your internet connexion")
#' @importFrom httr status_code
check_status <- function(res){
stop_if_not(.x = status_code(res),
.p = ~ .x == 200,
msg = "The API returned an error")
In this same file we’ll also create two objects that will contain the base API urls:
base_url <- "https://api-adresse.data.gouv.fr/search/"
reverse_url <- "https://api-adresse.data.gouv.fr/reverse/"
Step 5 : the function that will call on the API
To call the API, we’ll use GET
function from {httr}. Let’s first try
just this:
httr::GET(url = base_url, query = list(q = "Yeaye"))
## Response [https://api-adresse.data.gouv.fr/search/?q=Yeaye]
## Date: 2018-02-04 21:40
## Status: 200
## Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
## Size: 574 B
As you can see, the status is 200. Which is a good sign: no error from the API.
In the API we have chosen, there are 4 entry points: search, reverse, and their counterparts with csv. These counterparts work by POSTing a csv to the API, so let’s forget them for now.
The search entrypoint can take 8 parameters:
: text searchlimit
: maximum number of results to returnautocomplete
: autocompletionlat
: latitudelon
: longitudetype
: type of elements to return (housenumber, street,place, municipality)postcode
: Postal codecitycode
: INSEE code
These are the elements which will be passed as a list in the query
parameter from httr::GET
Note: if you’re going for an url based request (
), you don’t need to set the query parameter, you can simply paste the url with the elements (url <- paste0("url.and/?path=", this, "&to=", that)
Create a new R script and write the functions used to call the API:
#' Search the BAN
#' @param q text search
#' @param limit maximum number of results to return
#' @param autocomplete autocompletion
#' @param lat latitude
#' @param lon longitude
#' @param type type of elements to return (housenumber, street,place, municipality)
#' @param postcode Postal code
#' @param citycode INSEE code
#' @importFrom attempt stop_if_all
#' @importFrom purrr compact
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom httr GET
#' @export
#' @rdname searchban
#' @return the results from the search
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' search_ban("Rennes")
#' reverse_search_ban("48.11", "-1.68")
#' }
search_ban <- function(q = NULL, limit = NULL, autocomplete = NULL, lat = NULL, lon = NULL, type = NULL, postcode = NULL, citycode = NULL){
args <- list(q = q, limit = limit, autocomplete = autocomplete, lat = lat,
lon = lon, type = type, postcode = postcode, citycode = citycode)
# Check that at least one argument is not null
stop_if_all(args, is.null, "You need to specify at least one argument")
# Chek for internet
# Create the
res <- GET(base_url, query = compact(args))
# Check the result
# Get the content and return it as a data.frame
#' @export
#' @rdname searchban
reverse_search_ban <- function(lat = NULL, lon = NULL){
args <- list(lat = lat, lon = lon)
# Check that at least one argument is not null
stop_if_all(args, is.null, "You need to specify at least one argument")
# Chek for internet
# Create the
res <- GET(reverse_url, query = compact(args))
# Check the result
# Get the content and return it as a data.frame
Note: you’ll need to change the arguments and documentation for your specific API (obviously).
If ever you want to a part of this roxygen filling programmatically, you should check the excellent {sinew} package by Jonathan Sidi.
Step 6 : Roxygenise
Now, run in your console :
And that’s it! You’ve got a working package :)
Step 7 : build your package
You can test that everything is ok with:
# Then build it with:
What’s left
As I said, the 10 minutes workflow does not include the doc, so here’s what left for you to do:
- Write the Readme
- Write a Vignette
- Write tests
For that, go back to your dev file, add, and run:
And now, grab you best pen and write documentation ;)
What do you think?