hordes cookbook

DISCLAIMER - WORK IN PROGRESS: I’m trying to document how to use hordes, but it should take some time… So at the time of reading these lines, a lot of chapters will not be completed.

Welcome to hordes cookbook.

  • The first chapter gives a general overview of hordes basics. This chapter is probably the one you should go to if you have no idea what this project is about.
  • The second chapter will introduce you to hordes general philosophy, and about how to think about your code when building tools that make use of hordes.
  • The third chapter introduces the data formats you can use to share things between Node and R in hordes.
  • The fourth chapter develops how to build a full REST API that uses hordes
  • The fifth chapter introduces how to build a full Node web app that can call R functions
  • The sicth chapter shows some benchmark made when it comes to using hordes or other frameworks.